Walter Piechulla (at work)

This is the private homepage of

Walter Piechulla (Dipl.-Psych.)


Cartoon by Silke Kopp academic Google Scholar Citations
academic Citation Graph (© Microsoft Corporation)
actionscript Facetracking with Adobe Action Script 3 (Flash Plugin required)
actionscript TestYourWebcam.swf (Flash Plugin required)
eyetracking Webcam eyetracking
mental workload Workload measurement pages
ECG analysis Basic ECG analysis demonstration
godown Publications
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godown Completed projects
godown On-line posters
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godown On-line seminar papers
godown Eyetracking
godown Understanding NMEA 0183
godown Questions to the information society
godown A shortcut to Silab papers
godown Lost and Found


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  • Knoke, M. & Piechulla, W. (2011). Lückenlose Verfolgung. Identifikation von Stahlprodukten mit Ocr-Systemen. Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit. Jahrgang 56 (2011) 2
  • Lippold, Ch., Schulz, R., Krüger, H.-P., Scheuchenpflug, R., & Piechulla, W. (2007). Orientierungssichtweite - Definition und Beurteilung. Forschung Straßenbau und Straßenverkehrstechnik, Heft 977. Bremerhaven: Wirtschaftsverlag NW. [Available via Online Bookshop]
  • Piechulla, W. (2006). Messung und Kontrolle mentaler Fahrerbeanspruchung. In U.W. Ebner-Priemer (Hrsg.). Ambulantes psychophysiologisches Monitoring - neue Perspektiven und Anwendungen. (S. 21-51). Frankfurt a.M.: Lang. [Available via Online Bookshop]
  • W. Piechulla, Y. Körner, S. Hoffmann, B. Merz, M. Naumann, H.-P. Krüger (2004). Fahrtauglichkeitsdiagnostik bei M. Parkinson mit Trackingaufgaben? Aktuelle Neurologie, 31, (Suppl. 1): P428. Poster download.
  • Piechulla, W. (2004). Ambulantes Psychophysiologisches Monitoring im Straßenverkehr. DGPs 2004 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Arbeitsgruppe · VG 413(1238 - 402). Extended abstract download.
  • Williams, M., Stefani, O. & Piechulla, W. (2004). Vollständig virtuelle Fahrsimulation für ergonomische Beurteilungen und Trainigszwecke. In Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e.V. Arbeit + Gesundheit in effizienten Arbeitssystemen. Bericht zum 50. Kongress der GfA in Zürich, 24.-26. März 2004 (S. 623-626). Dortmund: GfA-Press.
  • Piechulla, W., Mayser, C., Gehrke, H., & König, W. (2003). Reducing drivers' mental workload by means of an adaptive man-machine interface. Transportation Research Part F, 6, 233-248 (doi:10.1016/j.trf.2003.08.001). Manuscript download.
  • Mayser, C., Piechulla, W., Weiss, K.-E., & König, W. (2003). Driver workload monitoring. In H. Strasser, K. Kluth, H. Rausch, & H. Bubb (Eds.). Quality of Work and Products in Enterprises of the Future. Proceedings of the 50th-Anniversary Conference of the GfA and the XVII Annual ISOES Conference in Munich, May 07th-09th, 2003 (pp. 41-44). Stuttgart: Ergonomia.
  • Piechulla, W., Mayser, C., Gehrke, H. & König, W. (2002). Echtzeit-Fahrerbeanspruchungsschätzung. In R. Hammwöhner, C. Wolff & C. Womser-Hacker (Hrsg.). Information und Mobilität. Proceedings des 8. Internationalen Symposiums für Informationswissenschaft, 8.-10.10.2002 (S. 365-368). Konstanz: UVK.
  • Piechulla, W., Mayser, C., Gehrke, H. & König, W. (2002). Online-Fahrerbeanspruchungsschätzung. 38. BDP-Kongress für Verkehrspsychologie. Regensburg, 12.-14.09.2002
  • Piechulla, W., Peißner, M., Werse, J. & Zimmer, A. (2001). Diagnose von Fahrerzuständen mittels Fahrverhalten. In F. Lehner, K. J. Schäfer (Hrsg.). Dokumentation zum Informationstag 2001 Mobile Computing. Bericht Nr. 56, Universität Regensburg, Schriftenreihe des Lehrstuhls für Wirtschaftsinformatik III, ISBN 3-932345-76-2
  • Krauss, M., Scheuchenpflug, R., Piechulla, W. & Zimmer, A. (2001). Measurement of presence in virtual environments. In A.C. Zimmer, K. Lange et al. (Hrsg.). Experimentelle Psychologie im Spannungsfeld von Grundlagenforschung und Anwendung. Proceedings 43. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (CD-ROM). Regensburg: Universitätsbibliothek. ISBN: 3-88246-225-6
  • Kostka, M., Dahmen-Zimmer, K., Piechulla, W. & Zimmer, A. (2001). Fehlerbeobachtung durch Experten. Eine Methode zur Evaluierung von Belastung und Ablenkung des Fahrers. In A.C. Zimmer, K. Lange et al. (Hrsg.). Experimentelle Psychologie im Spannungsfeld von Grundlagenforschung und Anwendung. Proceedings 43. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (CD-ROM). Regensburg: Universitätsbibliothek. ISBN: 3-88246-225-6
  • Eichinger, A., Piechulla, W. & Zimmer, A. (1999). Entwicklung einer multimedialen Unterstützung der Studienorganisation. In F. Lehner, G. Braungart & L. Hitzenberger (Hrsg.). Multimedia. Informationssysteme zwischen Bild und Sprache. (S. 69-78). Wiesbaden: Dt. Univ.-Verl.
  • Dahmen-Zimmer, K., Zimmer, A., Körndle, H., Bengler, K., Karsten, M., Wagenpfeil, T., Gatt, I., Flessa, S.; Ehrl, K. & Piechulla, W. (1997). Situationsbezogene Sicherheitskenngrößen im Straßenverkehr. Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen. Mensch und Sicherheit. Heft M 78. Bremerhaven: Wirtschaftsverlag NW.


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"In the news"


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Completed projects (1997 - 2006)

Logo Road Construction Chair Prof. Lippold Definition of an Orientation Distance on Rural Roads. A BAST project. IZVW project description.    
INVENT-Logo INVENT (intelligenter Verkehr und nutzergerechte Technik) FVM 1400. Driver assistance and active safety: Concept of a driver assistance system for intersections. Research report record.    
Supported by Deutsche Parkinson Vereinigung Criteria to Predict Driving Ability in Parkinson's Disease. Research report record.    
Lane change symbol Development and Validation of Lanechange-Assistance in Würzburg Driving Simulation. IZVW project description.    
SANTOS-Logo With these guys I worked in SANTOS (Situations-angepasste und Nutzer-Typ-zentrierte Optimierung von Systemen zur Fahrer-Unterstützung). See some snapshots from the SANTOS Evaluation Field Experiment August 2001.
VIRTUAL-Logo VIRTUAL (Virtual reality systems for perceived ergonomic quality testing of driving task and design). Here are some photos from the VIRTUAL CAVE-Tests November/December 2002.
MOTIV-Logo Mobilität und Transport im intermodalen Verkehr was a BMBF project.


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On-line posters (2002 - 2004)

PDF-Logo Fahrtauglichkeitsdiagnostik bei M. Parkinson mit Trackingaufgaben? (534 KB)
PDF-Logo Echtzeit-Fahrerbeanspruchungsschätzung (5 MB)
PDF-Logo S.A.N.T.O.S workload estimation (401 KB, language: German)
PDF-Logo Measurement of presence in virtual environments (2 MB, language: English)


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Software downloads (1993 - 2002)

Disclaimer: This is experimental code, you may use it at your own risk, but I give you absolutely no guarantee for anything!

Video-based driving simulation (old, quick, and very dirty!)

SimulatorAufsatz.pdf is a short description of this software in German.

These are the phase 1 sources (gaining experiences and creating a robust working base with cheap equipment). Phase 2 (re-engineering with state of the art hardware and software technologies) has begun in February 2000. These activities are lead by Wolfgang Krug (Software) and Josef Bernhardt (Hardware). Josef will answer all your questions (at least if he can figure out what you are asking, sometimes he forwards me some really cryptic mails he receives). For Wolfgang this is sort of a just for fun project, in real life he is a programming teacher at sd&m-Research. The slideshow UsingDirectX.ppt describes the current directions of development. The final system will not have much in common with the primitive things described here.

sim97v2 program

The main prog running on machine 1 (with Data Translation DT2811 board and Alpermann+Velte PCL3 board, 4 RS232 ports): sim97v2.h sim97v2.c sim97v2.rc sim97v2.def sim97v2.mak

brs525e2 dynalink

The DLL used by the main prog to control the JVC BR S 525E video player (a low cost variable tracking machine working with standard SVHS tapes): brs525e2.h brs525e2.c brs525e2.def brs525e2.mak

mirror driver dynalink

The DLL used by the main prog to talk to the servo control device developed by Sepp: mirror.h mirror.c mirror.def mirror.mak

v model dynalink

A simple model for the 'longitudinal vehicle dynamics' (aka car speed) is encapsulated in this DLL: hartwich.h hartwich.c hartwich.def hartwich.mak

test application

This is just a test application for the study of the behaviour of hartwich.dll: caller.h caller.c caller.rc caller.def caller.mak

stripchart dynalink

There is only one function in this DLL, used for drawing stripcharts (used in hardware test of sim97v2.exe): strip.h strip.c strip.def strip.mak contains a cursur and an icon resource which is needed to actually compile sim97v2.exe as is, a freeware analogmeter DLL I used, and the outdated ctl3d method (ctl3d.h and ctl3dv2.dll, the rest is explanatory only) which was used for Win3.1 to create a 'Windows95-like' 3D look in dialog boxes.

monitor program

This prog runs on machine 2, which must have a Kolter DAC4 board. It does the data recording, drives the 'achilles' sound synthesizer via the DAC4 and gives some notifications to other devices via voltage outputs on the free D/A channel of the DAC4: monitor.h monitor.c monitor.rc monitor.def monitor.mak

Time series plotter with ecg analysis features

February 2008: The 2002 version of Analyse is deprecated, because it's completely out of date. Nothing changes for users of versions they got before February 2008. But I don't know if I shall release newer (re-written and improved) versions under an open source licence. The reason is in short: Nobody cared for the source code. Everybody just wanted to use the program as is. Cheers, stay tuned!

program Analyse

Click picture for more information!

Some funny Java sources


This is my Java implementation of an advanced clickmap concept originally developed by Armin: welcome.java_ (Yes, it's ugly. It's still very raw. Believe it or not: The original draft was even uglier!).
No demonstration available, applet is not used anymore.


This is derived from an old Java demonstration. It works as a very curious sort of clickmap, but there are users who like it: graph.java_
No demonstration available, applet is not used anymore.


This is a Java version of Weizenbaum's famous 'Eliza'. She speaks German only, but the script is part of the sources and can easily be changed: elizaapplet.java_ eliza.jpg
Talk to Eliza (Language: German)

Graphical WWW-Frontend for KHS/R

This is from a seminar paper (2 MB, pdf format, in German) done together with Claus Atzenbeck (he did all the theoretical stuff in the first half of the paper). It is just a client applet and does NOT run without a special server implementation of KHS (KHS is an akronym for Konstanz Hypertext System, at the University of Konstanz there is a center of Information Science where KHS was developed. KHS/R is just a version of KHS maintained in Regensburg).


This is just the client khsclient.java_. I do not put the server implementation on my homepage for several good reasons: It is > 100 MB, it's unclear if it is to be considered freeware, and it is a preliminary implementation. If you really want to get it, feel free to contact me, we will find a way.

GPS and NMEA related programming

Here you can download dgpslistener.exe_v1bin (for win32 platforms, rename it to Somename.exe before usage), a test program for a "dBlackBoxPlus" differential GPS receiver manufactured by GPS GmbH (Gesellschaft für professinelle Satellitennavigation und Kommunikation mbH). This device is a combination of a GARMIN Corporation GPS 25 LP series board and an ALF (Accurate Positioning by Low Frequency) correction data receiver. ALF is a service provided by the BKG (Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie, a national authority). In Understanding NMEA 0183 you find some theoretical background. DGPSListener uses Sam Blackburn's Geodesy Foundation Classes and some code from his NMEA Parser Classes. The prog dumps the NMEA sentences to screen or to a file either in raw form or interpreted. Interpretation at the moment just means conversion of the position fix on the WGS84 ellipsoid to cartesian ECEF (earth centered earth fixed) coordinates. Other features can be added easily.

dgpslistener application

It's an MFC-Application written with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. If you want to have a look at it and you have the Developer Studio installed, everything should work fine if you simply unzip it, then find and double-click the file DGPSListener.dsw:

dgpslistener application version 2

Here is version 2 of dgpslistener.exe_v2bin. (rename it to Somename.exe before usage). It has been validated by comparison of the output coordinates with data from a commercial GIS. Version 2 has a new 'cooked' output: WGS84_lat_in_decimal WGS84_lon_in_decimal Gauss-Krueger_R Gauss-Krueger_H HDOP (tab delimited). Sources download:

Secondary task for driver workload estimation

Secondary task performance is a measure used in Engineering Psychology to assess the workload induced by the primary task. This program needs input about experimental road segments and subjects' key presses via RS232. It is used in one of our latest experiments and quite uninteresting to most of you.

secondary task application

It's a win32 API application written with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. task2.exe_bin (rename it to Somename.exe before usage) is the executable (which neither does anything meaningful on your desktop, nor should do any harm to your system). contains necessary configuration files and .wav-sounds. contains the sources (just open Task2.dsw).

secondary task application

The 2005 Version (now used in field and simulation) is in essence a simplification of the original code. But the task was not changed. Targets and distractors are still the same. Only the annoying reminder sireen has been replaced by a sound more pleasing to the ear.



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On-line seminar papers (1999 - 2002)

PDF-Logo A graphical WWW-frontend for the KHS (2 MB, language: German)
PDF-Logo Alcoholism: ICD-10 diagnosis, causes and treatment (54 KB, language: German)
PDF-Logo Heart rate indicators of mental workload (1.5 MB, language: German)


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Eyetracking (2003 - 2006)

YouTube-powered version of a video snipped showing me 'driving' on a faked rural road. 3D road layout was recorded in the field by Ralph Schulz (Dresden Technical University) with an Applanix system. Scripting the environment for the Silab simulator was a semi-automatic process done with one-shot programs written in C and some hand-optimization of trees' and road furnitures' positions.
SmartEye Pro Example screenshot of a remote tracking application. Tracking of head position, head orientation, and gaze direction. Matching gaze direction with the "world model" of the driving compartment (click on picture to view it in original size).
BirdsEye with virtual sensor Screenshot (click on picture to view it in original size) of a real-time visualization of a virtual sensor. The sensor mimics foveal vision and is driven by a fixation algorithm. In this example, the driver fixates on a lorry, and the sensor detects the lorry as a vehicle. Technically speaking, a sensor is a query into a (dynamic) object database. Such queries are a generic feature of the Würzburg driving simulator system.
Conventional view Video frame (click on picture to view it in original size) showing a more useful view. Here the virtual camera is located at the driver's eyepoint. The red elliptic dot is a cursor for the point of regard. The red rectangle shows the so-called road centre area centred around the road centre point; this is the mode (most frequent) gaze angle in the last five seconds (at least in my implementation). The file gaze_video_snippet.mpg shows 20 seconds of the gaze video (9 MB, MPEG2). If the clip does not play on Windows systems, try gaze_video_snippet.avi (12 MB, the needed "Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Decompressor" codec should be installed on any newer Windows).
Driving scene Example driving scene photographed from the driver's eyepoint. Such a snapshot cannot really give an impression of the driving simulator experience: The camera covers only about 60 degrees of viewing angle, but the driver's vision takes full advantage of the 180 degrees dome-projection (click on picture to view it in original size).


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Understanding NMEA 0183


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Questions to the information society (2001)

Courtesy of missing link!, a group of students of information science (at that time, professionals by now) lead by Anja Ebersbach, Richard Heigl, and Thomas Schnakenberg. These are two interesting highlights from a series of lectures called "Missing link - Fragen an die Informationsgesellschaft". These are links to the University of Regensburg media server, language is German:

24 May 2014: Ironically, the links to the Regensburg University media server are obviously dead. But the book version should still be available: Missing Link. Fragen an die Informationsgesellschaft.

Andy Müller-Maguhn Andy Müller-Maguhn (2001). Infowar & Infopeace! Spannungsfelder und Stabilitätsfaktoren im Netz 75 min. (Real Audio format, click on picture to connect).
Weizenbaum and Müller-Maguhn 2002 Panel discussion with Joseph Weizenbaum and Andy Müller-Maguhn 55 min. (Real Video format, click on picture to connect).
Additional material about Joseph Weizenbaum (* 8 Jan 1923, † 5 Mar 2008):
ILMARE film presents the movie trailer WEIZENBAUM. REBEL AT WORK. (more information at ILMARE film).
Regionales Rechenzentrum Erlangen presents Weizenbaum at University Erlangen-Nürnberg (2007).


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A shortcut to Silab (driving simulation) papers

Links to all downloadable Silab papers I know of


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Lost and Found

Lena (OpenCV version), Lena uncensored (WARNING this picture contains nudity.) and The Complete Lenna Story.


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Last update of this page: 13 Sep 2014

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