

Starts calibration. During calibration, you are prompted with a sequence of nine small popup-windows. They look like this:

Gaze target for calibration

Your job during calibration is to gaze at the small crosses in the window centers. A popup-window disappears within say max. 10 seconds (under optimal conditions, it will take only about 5 seconds to gather the calibration data for a single popup-window). If a popup does not disappear, you can try to:

·      Change lighting conditions of the room (a diffusely lighted bright room is optimal)
·      Change camera position (optimal: horizontally centered, vertically below the monitor)

The same gaze target popup-windows (but now at randomly chosen locations) are used for testing the gaze tracking accuracy. This test starts as soon as calibration is done. The "data format" for this test is simple: it's the video clip you can create with FTR_BY_WLP.

A short report about the calibration process is written to the file CalibrationProtocol.txt -- this file is created in the folder where FTR_BY_WLP.exe, ftrbywlp08.chm, and haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml reside.